Sunday, July 27, 2008

No More Price Wars

As a consumer, I have mixed emotions... But as a business owner and consultant to other entrepreneurs, this brief clip tells all: Do not start a Price War! Why? No one wins. Competing on price alone will help speed the process whereby you find yourself "out of business" rather than just competing to stay in business. So, what do you do? Great question! And the beginning of wisdom beyond one's years (asking for help). You call me. As I explained in Purple Curve Effect, every business faces real problems. I also tried to point out that there are right and wrong answers... in fact, your perfect answer is "out there" somewhere, if you are willing to spend the time to find it. Want to find it sooner rather than later? I know, most of us would rather put our ear to the ground than ask for directions! Or help. Good for you. That will show your family (and employees) your sharp business senses. Right up to the point where you close the doors. Look, I have been there... done that... and still have a few of the shirts in my closet!
  • Do you consult with an accounting firm?
  • Clean your own offices?
  • Landscape your grounds?
So why assume that you must figure out how to compete on your own?
Purple Curve Effect Tenet #1 Get the facts before committing
-ski P.S. Did I mention the PDF of Purple Curve Effect is FREE? Or that you may purchase the paperback for just $14.00USD from Goldratt Marketing Group? ---- Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah +1 330.432.3533 tag: ©2008 LLC. All rights reserved.
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