Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Real Steve Jobs

Jobs should want to hear me out...

I am flipping through my 100+ channels of nothing much (yet) to watch on the TV when I see Steve Forbes on Kudlow & Company. There is Kudlow, Forbes and three others as I recall... when Kudlow says something like, "Is everyone else as frustrated with Vista crashing their computer?"

The replies seem to concur.

But then he goes on to say that he is ready to make the ultimate upgrade: to an Apple Mac! Disclaimer: I own Apple (AAPL) stock. However, that does not change the fact that the Mac simply works. One of the contributors remarks that Steve Jobs has Kudlow's home phone number and he should expect a call that night from Jobs to help him make the change over.

Mac vs. PC ads on appple dot com

I shared this link of great TV commercials with a friend, and his remarks are classic:

"They're funny, in a frustrating sort of way."


Here is how my mind works: Apple could own the project management software corner of the market world-wide. Period. In just 90 days. How? Well, I am hesitant to tell the whole story, but it involves one of my clients and a certain critical chain project management (CCPM) company that delivers the ultimate in scheduling software.

For a hint, see my TV interview.

If Apple does not have a program to fund startups with the unique mission of creating best of breed apps with the narrow focus of replacing PCs with Macs, then it should. Jobs might consider writing me a check for one million dollars for the explicit purpose of creating a software company to replace MS-Project with an Apple Mac only replacement based on CCPM... and guess what? It would be ready for rolling out at MacWorld 2009. But I digress...

Yes, those TV spots are cute in a puppy dog sort of way. But frustrating as #@!%.


Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
+1 330 432-3533

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