Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sybase Turnaround

Vista No Show

Yahoo!Finance Survey suggests Buyers are a No Show
These numbers from Yahoo!Finance indicate to me that someone is going to have trouble making their numbers this fiscal year... keep your eyes open for more illegal activities.
This might be a good time to remind everyone of my "best practices" choices for small business technology departments (I have been on this soapbox for over 10 years):
- Move all users to Apple Mac (except CFO and their immediate staff)
- Replace all servers with RedHat Linux based servers
- Replace mission critical RDBMS apps with Sybase on Sun
If you really like the folks in finance, buy them each a Mac mini.
Not a very realistic solution for your organization? The hand has been writing on the wall for some time. When will you be ready? Unless you plan for it: never.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Yes, I am serious.
tag: Apple Mac
(c)Copyright 2007, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
All rights reserved.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Chrysler Nassau

Concept Car
Awesome! Yet not exciting enough to displace my love for the Pacifica, but a great looking vehicle just the same. Now if they want to sell it, they ought to steal a page from the BMW play book.
In fact, compare these two youTube commercials, then tell me which moves you to visit the nearest dealership:
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Yes, as an American, I prefer to buy domestic goods... but sometimes the penalty is just too high. Should I buy a fuel efficient car from a U.S. manufacturer, when they had the thing built by a foreign enterprise? All good questions. For another day.
tag: Chrysler Nassau
Business Wanted

Wanted to Buy
A small, privately held manufacturing business in Northeast Ohio. Basically within a 50 or 60 mile radius of Bolivar, Ohio.
The ideal business will have been in business for at least twenty (20) years. It may be a case where the second generation has no interest in taking over the business. Or, it might be a case were competitors have caused great turmoil.
In fact, it may just be time for the owner to head south and enjoy the sun! Or spend time with the grandkids.
Better yet, if you are thinking of selling your labour of love, you tell me why. I am interested in acting within the next ninety (90) days.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Principals only.
tag: Business Wanted
Monday, January 29, 2007
Boot Camp

Marketing 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

For years, CRM has been a hot button for me.
With my recent switch back to the Apple Mac (and its ease at installing great open source apps), I had to leave my ACT! contact manager behind. Plus, as my efforts on Throughput Press gain speed, I needed a distributed, robust, and secure app. Enter SugarCRM.
One that puts "first things first."
Ever notice how many articles exist on failed (or less than stellar) CRM implementations? I have. Am I the only one smart enough to see the problem? Or the only one dumb enough to expose it?
Failed Focus.
The very first word in CRM should be a hint. A clue. As in the point of focus: the Customer. Yes, take a few minutes to read some of the those articles, and hear what they say. They talk of failure to get all the internal players hooked up. Or the diverse technology roadblocks to overcome in house. Not a mention anywhere about the customer.
Many years ago, I was pitching a CRM solution to a client. I explained how we would use it to address customer issues. You know the ones, where the customer calls back to your office, and gets another person on the phone. A different one than the one they talked with just moments ago. And now the customer has to relate the problem all over?
Or how about when your "customer service rep" (notice the lowercase letters) calls the customer to see how your Buell motorcycle is performing, and learns (from you!) that it has been in the Service Department for over two weeks! A real story that happened to me. Want to know where NOT to buy a Harley-Davidson or Buell? Call me. But I digress...
CRM is about the customer. First. Period.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432-3533
P.S. Need help implementing a CUSTOMER relationship management solution?
tag: CRM
(c)Copyright 2007, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
All rights reserved.
Friday, January 26, 2007


Winter in Ohio

At 8:00am this morning, I gave up!
Normally, I get up, check email for urgent matters, then head off for a cup of coffee and some time to reflect. To think. To plan.
Not today. It is just too cold!
This time last year, I was in Ft Lauderdale. Where this morning at 8:00am it was a balmy 50. Not the bold chilling 15 that I face this morning.
I wonder how many surveys have been taken to determine the weather's affect on productivity? Or maybe, I am the only one who cares. I grew up in Ohio. That does not mean that I am use to the change of seasons. In fact, I have not spent a winter in Ohio for the last 11 years.
When it is this cold, I simply have trouble thinking.
I know I have a coffee pot around here, somewhere...
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. How do you cope with winter?
tag: Ohio
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Deficit Improves

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
State of the Union

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Logical Thinking Class

A Six-Day Workshop
Leading to Self-Sufficiency
in the Logical Thinking Process
Tentative Schedule: April 4th through 11th
Instructor: H. William Dettmer, Jonah's Jonah
Assistant: Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
Critical thinking is a means of assessing and evaluating the cause-and-effect relationships in complex systems. The interdependency among components of systems makes it extremely difficult to accurately evaluate the true causes behind observed effects.
A logical thinking methodology facilitates the sorting out and representation of the relationships between the system’s components and the cause-and-effect that influences them. This enables an analyst to evaluate the validity of the evidence of causation and determine whether the assumed cause is, in fact the real cause.
A word from a couple of Jonah3+3™ graduates:
Lessons taught and applied during the hands on workshop:
- Successfully identify the true causes of unsatisfactory out-comes in YOUR system, whether personal or professional, using logical, verifiable cause-and-effect
- Identify and resolve daily and chronic conflicts that hinder you from achieving your goals
- Evaluate the potential for success before initiating change (risk mitigation), either in your personal life or in your organization
- Uncover the pitfalls that could result from any change you might consider making and determine what you should do to "navigate" around them
- Identify the "roadblocks" to change and the ways to over come them (and in what order)
- Lay out a detailed implementation plan for change and persuade others to help with it
- Improve your odds of success before even beginning to take action
- Quickly identify questionable or ill-considered proposals from others
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
(330) 432.3533
(c)Copyright 2007, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
Jonah3+3 is a trademark of Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
All rights reserved.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sun and Intel

Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Intel Corporation
today announced a broad strategic alliance ...
This is a good thing. Add the Apple Mac now running "Intel Inside" and the consumer wins again. I have shared my love of Sun and its Sparc boxes. I recall porting some apps from Sun OS to Solaris (back in the day!)...
Now, if the sales process re-org goes well (Jonathan, I could help with that!), and they get the biz startup Essentials program back on track, things could get exciting. We know that the vista thing is not going to win friends once the real heartaches start to gain national press.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Now where did I put that Sun credit app...
tag: Sun Intel
(c)Copyright 2007, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey. All rights reserved.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Nicholas Boothman

Friday, January 19, 2007
Purple Curve Insight One

Ramona Harmon to the Rescue
In the winter of 2003/04 I was in Ft Lauderdale (on my motorcycle) finishing the edits on Purple Curve Effect. I needed an illustrator in order to finish the book. I was actively attending an evening Toastmasters chapter and sent out word that I was looking for an artist to help complete the project.
Ramona answered the plea. She hit a grand slam! I gave her very specific thoughts, and insight into what I thought was needed. Three illustrations for inside the book, and the cover art. Compelling. That is my reaction to the chart that became the cover. That wrinkled chart paper was a neat touch. The "purple curve" of unending upward growth captures my message.
The "purple curve effect" is the growth (or throughput) when an entity applies focus to finding and fixing the weakest link, and only the weakest link. Yea, that is the overly simplistic answer. Buy the book for the longer explanation.
Well, chapter 15 starts part three of the book, and offers hands on exercises for applying the principals to the readers' organization. In the first two parts, we learned thirteen tenets that should be applied, now in conclusion, the "insights" that should take the concepts in the book from the "that sounds interesting" phase to, "Now I see!"
Purple Curve Insight #1
"You alone decide your success.
Or happiness. Or throughput.
Make a decision."
Interesting aside, it was this chapter where I shared my passion and desire to create a custom VTwin motorcycle company. Those that know me, will attest that I did just that. With a twist. I became a dealer and then created a unique brand with a number of unusual yet popular options. So without the overhead and expense of creating an intensive manufacturing operation, I still had all the benefits. Plus got to ride my first creation at Sturgis'05!

It really is about "making a decision."
Still not sure? Buy the book. I am happy to talk with my blog readers about their unique challenges... and owners of my book get to move to the front of the line.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Repeat after me: "If it is to be, it is up to me."
tag: Purple Curve Effect
Shorting Alltel

Results defined

How do you spell "results?"
As this dashboard chart from SugarCRM shows, there are a variety of components to track in order to prepare for, and eventually achieve results. Are "results" the sum of the parts? A portion of the whole?
Can the term "results" be properly defined?
I vote, "Yes." In fact, it should be possible to write for days without end on the concept of producing results. Of course, as I have other more pressing requirements, this will be an abridged version.
In chapter 17 of Purple Curve Effect, I wrote about visualizing the end result. Until all parties agree on what the final product or solution looks like, how can they be expected to agree on the results? Or even the steps required to get there? They cannot.
I claim to be a guru in the arena of creating results. I prefer to define it as "throughput," which I often label for my clients (and prospects) as "more money in your pocket." Which opens up the whole systems approach to attacking challenges. Which then brings us to John Boyd and his OODA Loop:
"The observation step is a process of gathering information, from both within and without. This information can come from a variety of sources: the media, research, direct observation, experimentation, or clandestine intelligence activity, to name just a few."
The first "O" of OODA is Observe.
My reading of late keeps circling back to a concept (perhaps even a law) that one cannot process negative commandments. For example, consider man's best friend. There you stand, ready to kick the dog. If I said, "Kick the dog," your mind will race to an image of you kicking the dog. Okay, for those unable to kick a dog, even after it destroyed the Sunday newspaper, lets change the example.
Consider petting the dog. See the scenario in your mind? Great.
Now, what do you see when I say, "See yourself not petting the dog."
It is impossible. You can see yourself standing beside the dog. But there is no such thing as "not petting." I am still working on getting my mind to grasp this concept, but so far, it makes a lot of sense. Similarly, I have heard Mike Murdock say that one cannot think "away from a thought." You are not able to think about, "not thinking about" something.
In chapter 17, I use golfing legend Jack Nicklaus to make the point. For those hackers among us (golf, not computer), consider his ability to see the result of his shot before he even addressed the ball! What do us "weekend warriors" do? We tell one another, "Stay away from the lake."
Not possible. Your mind only hears (and therefore focuses on) the lake. Want to increase your results? Focus on the end product. Hitting the center of the green. Or nailing that challenging new product introduction. Then, work backwards.
Develop the habit. I always lock my car door. Always. It is a habit. I never have the thought half way through a meeting, "Did I lock my car door?"
Producing a result is simply a habit. I cannot, not, produce results. There is only inaction. Or inappropriate actions. Tell me the challenge, and I will show you results. How can I be so sure? Because if I am personally unable to solve the problem, I know how to find someone that can. Or someone that will show me how to solve the challenge.
As Dan Aykroyd said in The Great Outdoors, "That's what I do!"
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Need help? Write me.
tag: results defined
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Vista broken

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Collection of Great Podcasts
I have been collecting great podcasts for over a year, and find myself talking to others about these great sessions, but as I wrote my own code to capture them, it was tough to share.
No longer. I have added a link to my consulting page called "Podcasts of Value" that will launch a mini window of all the podcasts in my library. The neat thing about my app, is that I do not host the actual audio files. I simply point the listener to the original source. Saves me a lot of bandwidth.
For those that would like to tap the actual XML feed, send me an note and I will point you to my XML feed. It is not listed on iTunes as these are not really my feeds. I found them, wanted them on my iPod, so I wrote a few scripts to process them.
To listen to any one podcast, just click on the title. You can also open the stream in iTunes. But if you are on an Apple Mac, the MP3 will play right inside the mini window. It may act likewise on your PC, but as iTunes is my default app for MP3 files, my PC launches iTunes.
Need help, drop me a line.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. I do actually have a Podcast listed on iTunes. Go to the iTunes Store and search for "jeff ski kinsey" -- without the quotation marks.
tag: Podcasts
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Forrest Whitaker

Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Deming's 13th Point

Out of the Crisis
by W. Edwards Deming
From his 14 points for Management; number 13:

I guess I would have called them fourteen points for Leadership. Who I am to second guess Deming? Just a guy with way too much time on my hands!
The other day I stopped in Wendy's for lunch and bumped into a retired business owner and acquaintance. Let's call him "Bob." Bob is a Democrat. Somehow we got onto politics, and that led Bob to remark about my dad, Myron 'Sonny' Kinsey, who passed on to his reward this past May.
Sonny the Big Cat, as I affectionately called my dad (and a fan of Deming), met Bob when delivering packages to Bob's business (my dad was a UPS driver at the time). In fact, dad learned of Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963 when he made a delivery at Bob's store. But I digress...
Well, Bob shared his sympathy on my dad's passing as we have not seen each other in almost a year. And then remarked he had a lot of respect for Sonny, in part due to a comment he made concerning William Jefferson Clinton's impeachment. Sonny agreed that it was wrong for slick Willie to have lied about the affair, and stated that he should have simply said, "It is none of your business."
Yep. Common sense is not all that common. I miss you dad.
Back to our regularly scheduled message: Leadership. Leaders do. They "walk the walk." What is the easiest way to implement Deming's 13th point? Start with yourself. I have known a lot of business owners, and a lot of leaders. All business owners are not leaders. Few have taken this 13th point to heart... at least few of the ones that I know.
For me, it starts with me. I read a lot. But more importantly, I think. About a lot things. Some days about just one thing. Every morning (when ever it arrives, like 5:21am today) I get moving by heading out for a cup of coffee. I take a book along (like A Better Way by Terry Acord today) and my iPod. After my personal and private brainstorming session, I drive by one of my next dreams: The Chrysler Pacifica.
Nothing happens without a dream.
Then back to office to make something happen. Like the Purple Curve Workshop. If you are trying to make something happen, help may come from the most unlikely sources. Like the inspiration for Post-it® Notes. My dad was always asking when I would take time to write my first book. His constant inquiries helped birth it. The workshop based on the book might just be the inspiration you need to make a difference in the world.
The clock is ticking...
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. What are YOU doing this Friday, January 19th?
tag: W. Edwards Deming
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Tenet Number 13

The 13th Hole at Harbour Town Golf Links
When I played this hole a number of years ago, my approach shot to the green was a sight to behold. However, there were no blimps or cameras around to record my amazing second shot. As I recall, I was too far to the left, but in the fairway. I do not recall the club, probably a 7 iron, but I do recall the sound... as my ball hit about one inch from the top of the wooden planks that help form this "island" green. The ball bounced back hard enough, that it landed in the grass and not the bunker!
It would be great to end the story with a comment about a chip and a putt for a par, but that did not happen. Maybe that is the reason my book does not have a thirteenth chapter.
TENET #13:

I wanted to stop at just twelve tenets, but this one needed told. And frankly, I could not bring myself to delete any of the others! In chapter 14, there are insights into the creation of the Jonah3+3™ course, featuring H. William Dettmer. There really is no chapter 13.
I recall working in Myrtle Beach when I get this impassioned phone call from Dettmer. He orders me to the local bookstore (I may have already been in the bookstore when he called!). Tells me to order the new book, Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War.
Next book out by Dettmer, Strategic Navigation, weaves Boyd's OODA Loop and Eliyahu Goldratt's TOC (Theory of Constraints) into the Constraints Management Model. Boyd's reading list for his colleagues was over 300 books. Yes, over 300 books in order to grasp his leap forward in warfare. Some have commented on Dettmer's attention to (too much) detail!
All that was necessary (in my mind, at least) to say, there is a gap out there in the world, that you are perfectly matched to close. I created the Jonah3+3™ course because a lot of us have been excited (even teased) into a frenzy over the logical thinking processes. Dettmer is the one systems oriented professor that I know, poised to equip the world's business leaders with the knowledge required in this age. But he needed help marketing his services in his arena.
So I jumped in with both feet.
An amazing aside, I have had folks discover this great course by simply buying a two dollar PDF of the Purple Curve Effect. They might never had learned about the availability otherwise. If they go on to change the world in a positive manner, then it could be said that it was a requirement that I write my book. To fill a gap.
When I created TOCreview magazine, I felt that there was a need to get those articles out into the world of business. The stars aligned briefly, and I believe that history was made with the premier issue. One of the missions for the "new & improved" Throughput Press will be to relaunch TOCreview. But not as a TOC rag.
As a results oriented magazine.
Because a gap exists in the world of results.
You need to be at the upcoming Purple Curve Workshop. Why? Because you need the information that will be presented. Well, it should be qualified that, if you seek true breakthroughs in throughput, you will find a way be present at the event.
Details and registration: www.PurpleCurve.com
What effort needs you to stand in the gap?
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Maybe I should re-start TOCreview (several new titles {based on RESULTS} under consideration) by asking folks to start sending me notes about their success stories...
tag: results
Family Office Equipment

I am pleased to report that Family Office Equipment, Inc. of New Philadelphia, Ohio has signed on as a lead sponsor for next week's event.
Read the details on the Purple Curve Workshop web site.
P.S. A little history: Jeff Tedrow won a contract back in 1982 for one of my first clients with a complete manufacturing accounting package via his Cado C.A.T. offering! I ended up modifying the "average cost" pricing module, written in CADOL (a compiled language that required each program to fit in a 256 byte record) to handle LIFO and FIFO. This was the beginning of the code that became a great system: Open Systems Accounting Software. For those that have programmed in BBx for OSAS, you now know why OSAS has all those small programs, calling all those other small programs. The original logic required subprocesses that would compile down to 256 bytes!
In other words, the team at Family Office Equipment have been doing this technology thing successfully for over twenty years. That is a record that deserves my vote of confidence.
I am pleased to have them on board.
tag: Purple Curve Workshop
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I wonder ...

IBM vs Apple

Ever take a knife to a gun fight?
First, I do not own stock in either company. I do not give financial advice. And I definitely do not take myself too seriously.
I bought an Apple Mac in March 1984. A lot more of them since. My Mac Mini (Intel inside!) this past October. Bought an IBM PC clone around 1986. I do not actually recall ever owning a true, blue IBM computer, but a lot of clones. All but my laptop were converted to Linux.
Bought my iPod Mini in December 2003 (as I recall), and have been looking to upgrade a video iPod. My cell plan's two year agreement is up. I have used all major carriers, except Verizon, and have been looking to drop Alltel... until they came up with the "circle" of ten free numbers. But I miss the superior service of Cingular. Yet, they dropped my favorite feature: two phone lines! I was living on Hilton Head Island, but working on a contract in Myrtle Beach. For just five bucks per month I added a local Myrtle Beach number to my phone. As an aside, if you know anybody offering such a feature today, drop me a line.
So, like a lot of folks, I watched Steve Jobs the other day do what he does best: demo insanely great products. I must admit, the iPhone exceeds my wildest expectations. The hardest part? Can I wait til June or July.
Well, I said all that to say that the news this morning was that IBM had another record year of patent awards. 3,621 last year. Which is a good thing. I wish that I had a few.
Apple has Steve Jobs. IBM has the most patents.
I'll take people over tangibles every time. Yea, I have been burned on occasion. Still, life worth living is based on social factors. Family and friends. Personal accomplishments. Recognition. Rewards. Results.
Speaking of people, I mentioned Jobs stealing Tim Cook away from Compaq. Jobs mentioned Cook during the introduction of the iPhone. I just happened to look at Cook's compensation and stock options. Wow! I wonder what he might have earned at Compaq...
Yea, I gotta pick people over technology.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonah
P.S. Note to Steve Jobs: I am available!
tags: Apple, IBM, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Jeff SKI Kinsey
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Twelfth Tenet

Sunday, January 07, 2007
Bob Nardelli

Saturday, January 06, 2007
Throughput Podcast

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Supply Chain

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Civic Rent

Monday, January 01, 2007

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