A year ago...Give or take a few days, I shared the World Peace Passport with readers. So what? What have you done with this worthy effort? If you are like me, nothing.As the year closes around us, this is a mission that deserves more of my attention. I will contact them anew today, and simply ask, "what can I do to help?"Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonahwww.ThroughputPress.com(c)Copyright 2006, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey
More World Peace
A year ago...Give or take a few days, I shared the World Peace Passport with readers. So what? What have you done with this worthy effort? If you are like me, nothing.As the year closes around us, this is a mission that deserves more of my attention. I will contact them anew today, and simply ask, "what can I do to help?"Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Jonahwww.ThroughputPress.com(c)Copyright 2006, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey