It has been almost two weeks since my last post.
A lot has happened.
Focus. I have the ability to construct tunnel vision almost at will. For long periods of time. I consider this my greatest personal strength. You know, like that spider man-like character can shoot webs and fly around the city... I can focus on a task and stay the course.
Speaking of courses, if I have failed to convey how important that it is for your career (and your business, for the entrepreneurs among us) that you attend the North East Ohio Constraints Management Workshop on June 24th, I am sorry. This event is huge. No, not in numbers. There are only 50 total workshop seats (plus 50 more "keynote only" seats).
Howard Meeks is on a mission. He has focus... to save American jobs. His financial analysis workshop will open one's eyes to the REAL world. Not the GAAP induced dogma that many have mistaken for managerial accounting. If I have failed to get your attention, please take a minute to visit the workshop web site:
Why the revisit on this subject? There is still time (and seats) available to make reservations.
Dan Hanlon will amaze with his perception of the early stage business model. More than "eye candy", Hanlon will ignite the desire "to make a difference!"
Howard Meeks will guide the class interactively through the proper financial analysis to make your dreams for your department or division or company (or organization) become reality. Wild claims? Perhaps.
Your mileage may vary.
Zig Ziglar and I both take the tartar sauce with us when fishing.
P.S. Today, my focus was on moving the NEO Workshop to the top of everyone's "to do" list. Let me know if I made my point.