Yesterday, I awoke at 4:00am
I cannot say why. But is was an amazing adventure. Ups. Downs. Over hill and dale. Such is life, right? So what?
Any day you start out by jumping on a motorcycle before sunrise is a great day! A little brisk, but overall a nice day for making tracks on a motorized open air vehicle. The Kaw Nomad never disappoints; even having just passed 66,000 miles. Before you ask, no, I did not buy it new. But in two years have put about 8,000 miles on it. Including a great trek through most of South Carolina last year. Or was it the year before? What ever... I digress.
The older one gets, the more often we tend to slow down.
Except I seem to be more excited and motivated than ever. Hard to explain, but easy to enjoy.
Are you making a difference?
If not, why not? Oh yea, remember to avoid the "Left Turns" that tempt...
Try getting up early tomorrow and DO something!
P.S. Want to help put America back to work? Check out my latest adventure:
©2010 Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey. All rights reserved.