Thursday, April 05, 2007

Survivor Tools (Part III)

There are survivor shortcuts...

Let us talk of the individual that is going to launch their own private "Brand You" business venture around a given talent. I trust that I have made it clear that the book, Purple Curve Effect is the first survivor tool.

Second Tool: Marketing Outrageously by Jon Spoelstra

Why? Simply put, this book helps the new entrepreneur come "face to face" with the biggest obstacle on that pathway to success: themselves! Jon's "What's It Gonna Take To Dominate?" approach goes several steps beyond my book's call for action. He will also point out the fact that it does not take a lot of money to market yourself.
Of course, when you have finished the book, you too will understand how stupid it was of Circuit City to fire the salespeople. But I digress...

Once you are armed with these two tools, and have read them thoroughly, let me know. Together, we can quickly map your quickest route to success.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Publisher

P.S. The synergy from the messages in these two books will amaze! Consider this brain twister:

(c)Copyright 2007, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
All rights reserved.

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