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Greetings to our WIWIH readers
We recently were picked up by the newsfeed on WIWIH and would like to say, "Hey."
Hospitality is one of my favorite industries. I got "up close & personal" with it in 1997 when I first moved to Hilton Head Island, SC.
One favorite assignment in Myrtle Beach for an oceanfront condo and motel complex, led to some of my best work ever. As part of the consulting gig, I served as the Sales & Marketing Director for 90 days as I re-engineered the approach. Shortly after the events of September 11th. No one in hospitality needs reminded how ugly it got.
The Chamber was wanting us to re-join. And with the unfair pricing structure based on room count, we could not afford the dues. Plus, the bigger problem was the fact that the Chamber was pushing a destination, and we had almost 200 rooms to fill each night.
A huge "disconnect!"
Those that know me, know that I am one of the biggest supporters of Chambers of Commerce. But when one is in survivor mode, that is the wrong time to expect their efforts to bail you out of any short-term emergencies.
Holistic (aka systems) thinking is the key. Back to the "four Ps" of marketing. Product, Price, Promotion and Place. During the boom years in hospitality, it was easy to take one's eyes off the target. After 911, not so much. But I digress...
Struggling? Get my book, Purple Curve Effect.
It is that good.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey, Publisher
P.S. The PDF is available for just $2 for the conservative among our new readers.
tag: Hospitality 101
(c)Copyright 2007, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
All rights reserved.