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How to search for your next career
Check out the Podcast for the newest Job Search Tool, RhinoGATOR™
Via the MP3 or iTunes.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey
P.S. Check out the board: RhinoGATOR™ dot com
(c)2010, Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey. All rights reserved.
Is looking for that Open Source programmer running LAMP on a PC that will graduate this Spring with a Major in Computer Science. Would consider a Business Major with a Minor in Programming.
Link to Open Job Requisition:
How do you compete with Sony?
"We are not competing against Sony or Microsoft, we are battling the indifference of people who have no interest in videogames."
—Satoru Iwata, Nintendo
Ditto RhinoGATOR™
All Job Seekers are not created equal. Nor are Job Boards. In fact, the whole category is flawed as a framework for putting America back to work.
How so?
Are you interested only in the jobs that a given Hiring Company has paid a board to list? Me either! I want to know about all the career openings that fit my skills and talents, then let me decide which opportunity is best for me.
One of our mission parameters during the creation of the "R1 Job Search Engine" that powers RhinoGATOR™ was very simple: bring back an "order of magnitude" more open job reqs than any other job search tool. If the big board brings back 10 jobs, we need to bring back 100 or more!
We have in fact achieved that goal on many searches, and our product just had it's first month anniversary! Yes, one MONTH in the wild, wild west of the Internet. Of course, your milage may vary. But give us a shot.
In fact, create a profile at RhinoGATOR™ and let us begin to search the net on your behalf. For free. All we require is a name and email address. Note that we NEVER share your infomation with any other organizations. Period.
Prefer to check us out without divulging your identity? No worries, you can do a "quick search" for free, without any ID. We look under a bunch of rocks and bring back up to 100 jobs at each stop along the net, and show you the results. However, to get all the jobs possible, you must create a profile and "save the job search" to your account. Then, we begin searching for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (366 days on leap years).
RhinoGATOR™ is the key to Your Next, Best Destiny Now!
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey
© 2010 Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey. All rights reserved.
Photo in the Public Domain as Property of the US Government
Talk about mixed emotions
Late yesterday afternoon, as I finished up some significant enhancements to the search algorithms for the RhinoGATOR™ "R1" Search Engine, my phone rang, I glanced at the caller ID.
Celebrity Cruises
Earlier in the day I was amazed (but I quickly dismissed) a somewhat unusual new profile in the administration logs: Richard Nixon. I often joke that Nixon and Elvis are very much alive and working a cruise line in the Caribbean as impersonators!
Now, the joke was on me!
"Hey Jeff, this is Richard Nixon."
I thought to myself, yea, right. So I tested him. I asked if he were indeed Nixon, who made the statement, "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike?" Immediately the man on the phone laughed that nervous, guarded laugh that defined Richard Milhous Nixon's later years. Then he shot back, "Spiro T. Agnew of course."
Could it be?
After all these years, I was really talking to thee Richard M. Nixon? No way... and yet. Okay, one more test. "Alright mister President, if you are THAT Dick Nixon, how much did I contribute to the Nixon Slush Fund in 1972?"
"One sawbuck."
It was Nixon! No one else would have known, or, taken the time to check my contribution before calling me. But I digress. Now the real $64 question: "Mr. President, how can I help?"
Well first, he explains that even with heavy discounting, the cruise lines are down financially given this economy, and he was looking for a new gig and had discovered RhinoGATOR dot com on New Year's Eve between sets while performing with Elvis just inside the eastern edge and to the North of Puerto Rico, inside the Burmuda Triangle.
Amazing. I quickly interrupted and mentioned that he was my Commander and Chief in 1974 when I passed through the triangle on maneuvers as a PFC (E-2) with the United States Marine Corps. He blew me away with his next statement.
"I know."
This guy is good. You hear stories about his thoroughness, and here I am experiencing it first hand! What a story to tell my grand-kids! But I digress...
So Nixon goes on to say that RhinoGATOR™ brought back more open job positions that any other job board he has used. And that he loved the tabless interface, plus the ability to craft or edit a new search "on fly," as we feature the search box on the top of every page. I would have loved to bore him with my insistence on both features, but then, he made a statement that confirmed my respect for the deposed leader of the Free world (and got him an honorable mention in a Star Trek movie!):
"Jeff, I just wanted to give you permission to use a quote from me to promote your job board." It took every ounce of energy that was surging through my body not to correct him, and point out that RhinoGATOR™ was both a Job Board and a Job Aggregator, but I managed. I offered that I would love him to do so... Here is what he said:
"If G. Gordon Liddy and I would have had access to RhinoGATOR™ back in the days of staffing the White House "Plumbers" unit, I would still be the President of the United States of America."
—Richard M. Nixon
by Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey.
"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels"
—King Solomon
So, what are you doing differently for the New Year? Might I suggest that you get in touch with your spiritual roots? Hey, that advice would even work for America. You know, the country that has created more millionaires than any other economic model on planet Earth?
Free Enterprise
Ronald Reagan understood it, do we? Not so much it seems. When you forget history, you tend to be doomed to repeat it. I am pleased to report that I am old enough to remember Jimmy Carter's failed presidency. In his last State of The Union address, he basically told America that we "were over." We must learn to do with less. That our dependence on foreign sources for energy was bad. Okay, he was right on that last point.
But then Reagan rode in on his white horse, and reminded us that only by getting big government out of way, could we once again prosper. That free enterprise was the answer. And now, the current administration is bent on doing what Carter took four years to accomplish in just two. Destroy our spirit and our economy (anyone else see a connection?). Some legacy that will be! But I digress...
I wish everyone a great New Year
However, until we return to our roots (and repent), I am not sure when the recovery will begin. Yes, there are pockets of growth around this great nation. But the mood seems to be one of, "Let someone else start up the economy."
Well, as for me, I will stand in that gap. Like a reed in the wilderness, crying, "Repent". Return to your spiritual roots and the Free Enterprise economic model that has given the world its greatest advances. As King Solomon suggests (although I consider it more of a commandant!), let us seek to understand and to "attain" unto those wiser than ourselves.
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey
© 2010 Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey. All rights reserved.